Wednesday, November 16, 2011


    After reading the assigned artical, it truly allows for a new perspective on the overwhelming amounts of zombie movies within the last ten years and even earlier.  The author of this article connects the subject of zombies with what is the current "war" situation.  It is quite interesting because he actually proves that after 9/11 the United States went into a fear mode.  With the population feeling scared and unsafe, the production and popularity of zombie movies sky rocket.

    He says how zombies are seen as more scarey objects than vampires or whitchs beacuse the represent the dead where as the others are alive in some way and often are made to be beautiful. Where zombies are the walking dead that feed on people who are alive to remain the walking dead.

    Another interesting fact that he links to the zombie craze is that often in zombie movies after they take over the living, often they show a deserted aftermath of the distruction the zombies leave behind.  He says that represents the aftermath of perhaps a nuclear bomb or a devistating war.  It is very interesting that when the United States is in a state of awarness of lurking dangers the peoples desires for these grotesque movies of death seem to sky rocket in popularity.  However, he also states that during the 90's the United States seemend to be blinded by minor issues going on and popularity for zombie movies were almost a zero.  He does a good job to connect war issues and popularity of zombie movies.
I got this link from:


  1. Hey Lindsey,
    You did a good job and looking at the article. I still have the opinion that he is taking it way to far in regards to placing it with the recognition of our countries destinations. I believe that it is just another production for entertainment. We have so many other movies that are related to war and devastation that link much more then a monster movie.

  2. Im glad you summarized the article a bit because i kinda got lost and started to drift a bit while reading it haha so you made it make more sense to me. I Like the idea of the aftermath left behind from the zombies being related to that of like a nuclear bomb. It makes me think of the wreckage that takes decades to centuries to recover from it and the lives it takes. It the idea that is given in most zombie movies as well which i think is pretty cool how that all relates to each other. Good Job !!!

  3. I'm glad that you talked about how he connected the U.S. during wartime and how zombie movies go up in production. I was very surprised by this fact as well and am quite sad that this has become fact. Though isn't it a bit ironic that when mass chaos happens, people want to see that in movie form? It really makes me wonder why. People already see and hear about what's happening but they want to go and pay to see a zombie movie? It doesn't make much sense to me. You gave a very good summary of the article as a whole though.

  4. Not so much a comment on your Zombie article, but it's nice to see someone submit their assignment early. So thanks.
    I really thought this article was fascinating. The war (among other catastrophes) sends our society into a fear based frenzy. One part of the article that I had not before considered was that in the Zombie movies the human survivors are actually more dangerous than the zombies. The desensitizing of American audiences is a ball that has been rolling for some time.

  5. Your summary of the article made me understand it better. What i posed was more so what I thought rather than what i got from the story. I got lost and started to drift into another world ha. Good summary though, you clearly understood it. It dose make sense that after 9/11 all these movies came out. It really is a scary fact.

  6. Your summary of the article is very well written. It covers the main points is a thorough and concise manner. Parts of the article seemed to drag on and your summary makes it easier to understand what the author was talking about.
